Each week, we interview colleagues here to learn more about them to better introduce them to their clients (or would-be clients). Here are our questions and her answers.

MCS Questions and Answers

Why did you decide to work with the MCS Group and what do you like most about working here/there?

I decided to work with MCS because I walked in at immediately felt at home. What I like most about working here is the family we have and how we support each other, bounce ideas off each other, have meetings so we can learn from each other. How each and every professional here sincerely cares.

Why did you become a therapist?

I remember the specific moment I decided to be a therapist. I was in my first semester of college and figured I would go for nursing. I had just gotten done with my own trauma therapy and woke up, jumped out of bed, and went and told my parents I wanted to withdraw from my focus in nursing and become a therapist specializing in trauma. From living through my traumas and not knowing there was a life of trauma recovery until I was in it, I felt that I could help others and that it was truly my calling. I just needed to get through my own treatment before I knew what my life’s work would be.

What do you find most helpful about your approach therapy?

I use the models of Cognitive Processing Therapy and Mindfulness. Both of these models individually are based on evidence and incredible models. Put them together and it’s a beautiful journey of realizing how trauma lives in the body, acknowledging and comforting the body sensation when triggered, and using both of the models to process trauma and put meaning on the future.

Give one or two anonymous examples of clients who have benefitted from this model?

The PCL5 is a trauma measure and anything above the score of 33 indicates PTSD treatment would be a benefit. One of my clients had a score of 47 and, through these models, became aware of triggers, where they felt stuck, used the coping skills, wrote their narrative, and is now in trauma recovery with a decreased score of 5.

Another client came in due to anger. Upon exploration, this person received a PCL5 score of 69. Since using these models, this person has come to realize that anger served a purpose before, but it doesn’t now. They were able to give gratitude to their anger for its protection, validate their feelings underneath, mourn, became closer with their significant other, and now empower and validate other people’s feelings.

To work with Tarah, please connect with MCS via our Administrators via [email protected]