MCS Blog

Exploring all things that might contribute to your overall emotional well-being

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Many people experience “Aggressive Negative Thoughts” (ANTS). But a few cannot seem to manage these thoughts or the negative consequences in their emotional and relational life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has a long history of being respected in the medical field for improving mental health, especially those challenges having to do with distressing cognitions.

What Supports You?

What Supports You?

If you’re feeling numb, confused, frozen-in-fear or merely wondering if you even have a trustworthy person in your life to share with, try talking to someone in the mental health field. That’s why we’re here at MCS Counseling, ​(360) 698-5883‬.

What is Solution Focused Therapy?

What is Solution Focused Therapy?

Solution-Focused Therapy is a brief therapeutic approach that is considered “Strengths-Based”. As the name suggests, SFT is considered effective, efficient, and hopeful. Each client feels respected because their unique personality strengths are mined both from their past and their present. Plus, they get to take the best from their past to move in the direction of a future they want to develop.